The impression received from Mullumbimby is that the residents are content with their humble and quiet town, although an addition to encourage and facilitate community interaction and events would work towards enhancing and growing their currently lifestyle and artistic creative cultures.
Mullumbimby residents engage and experience frequent creative, eclectic and eccentric creativity regularly as it can be seen all over the town through its artwork and sculptures. For the Drill Hall site it is important to look at what activities already occur and what other activites could be broadened or facilitated to enhance creative community expressions and culture.
As an architectural designer I have drawn up other potential activities which could encourage use of this site even more, and also to provide upgraded facilities to accommodate for these. The median age of the community is 42, and so is assumed that there is also a sizable elderly community within Mullumbimby. Community activies and events which could all take place within with site are as follows in the diagram including already existing activities. 3. I endeavor to formulation architectural solutions that the entire community can benefit from and not just the "creative" community within Mullumbimby and the surrounding Byron Shire. What could be proposed is a multipurpose space that users could use and manipulate as they please to suit their needs. My proposal would be to have 3 main areas on the site for Performances, Community Activites/Creative Industries and the Drill hall would remain as Primary building of use for the MDCC group.
4. The quote from the week 6 reading encourages my aim to use the the given site to its full capasity, but also an entity that does not overwhelm the site and will provide enough flexibility to change and transform with the needs and desires of the community as they see fit;
....‘this scheme permits maximum movement through
the site, emphasizing discoveries and presenting visitors with a variety of
programs and events. Developments in architecture are generally related to
cultural developments motivated by new functions, social relations and
technological advances.’
Tschumi, B. 1987. Cinegramme Folie: Le Parc De La
Villette. Princeton, N.J: Princeton Architctural Press.
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